Photo of jimena palacios Argentina

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UNLP periodismo y comunicación social (hasta 4to año)
Bellas Artes de La Universidad de Plata (especialidad
PINTURA (hasta 4to año)
Escuela Superior Prilidiano Pueyrredón (dos años


Maestría en el IUNA \"Crítica y difusión de las artes\"
(2011- cursando actualmente)


Free shipping

What security measures does Artelista take?

  • Verified artists profiles Trusted Artist
  • Artelista collects the work in the artist's workshop after validating that everything is correct and takes it directly to your home. We insure the work during shipment with Allianz Seguros ™
  • A secure platform: The artist does not receive the money until you confirm that everything is fine
  • If when you receive the picture does not convince you, we will pick it up for free and we will refund your money
  • Works with certificate of authenticity
  • Telephone support

How do I make the payment?

  • Payments are made online, through Artelista's secure system. Click on the "Add to cart" button and select the payment method you prefer.
  • Shipping costs covered by Artelista
See everything we offer you!
23.62 x 33.46 in
23.62 x 33.46 in
23.62 x 33.46 in
23.62 x 33.46 in
23.62 x 33.46 in
7.87 x 7.87 in
19.69 x 27.56 in
59.06 x 39.37 in
13.78 x 21.65 in
See all the artworks

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Photo of jimena palacios Argentina


UNLP periodismo y comunicación social (hasta 4to año)
Bellas Artes de La Universidad de Plata (especialidad
PINTURA (hasta 4to año)
Escuela Superior Prilidiano Pueyrredón (dos años


Maestría en el IUNA \"Crítica y difusión de las artes\"
(2011- cursando actualmente)

OPTITEX (sistema de molderia industrial por
Computación dictado por personal de la firma año 2009

Curso de diseño de indumentaria con Mariano
Toledo años 1999-2000

Taller de tejido en telar año 1994

Molderia (uba) año 2004

Curso de corel (UBA) año 2005

Curso de Photoshop (UBA) año 2008

Curso illustrator (UBA) año 2008

Curso de marketing (Universidad de ciencias
Economicas de La Plata) año 1993

Taller de pintura con Gustavo Lopez Armentia año 1996

Beca para clinica de obra otorgada por la Universidad
Prilidiano Pueyrredon con Juan Doffo año 1999

Seminario\" Los tejidos denim indigo\" (lavado y tintoreria de
Jeaneria) INTI año 2009

Taller de pintura con Eduardo Medici 1998

Taller de pintura con Ana Eckell 1996

Taller de pintura con Graciela Gutierrez Marx año 1997

Asistencia a circuito de tendencias INTI años 2007/08/09/10

Seminario de \"vestuario para televisión\" en la Camara
Argentina de la Moda año 2000

EXPERIENCIA Diseño y producción de indumentaria tejida desde 1995
Hasta la actualidad
Colaboración de trabajo en colección Mariano Toledo 2000

Redacción y producción de notas (reportajes a artistas) de
Manera free
Lance para la revista de arte MAGENTA año 2000

Manejo ,atención , y dirección de local propio desde 2003
Hasta el año 2007

Clases de plástica en el Instituto de Artes Visuales de La
Plata (año 1998)
Clases de moldería básica de punto en Taller de Arte
(Taller de la artista plástica Luz Gentili) 2011

Meritoria de escenografia en la pelicula \"cenizas del
paraiso\" director Marcelo Piñeyro

Diseño de la indumentaria del local y
Producción , molderia y diseño de estampas y textiles.
Armado de fichas tecnicas para indumentaria y tejidos

Diseñadora de indumentaria , estampas y trabajo en
Molderia de la firma:
Commonblue (2007-2011)

Pagina propia

Trabajo free lance en diseño de estampas y diseño de tejidos
Para pequeñas marcas (2007-2008-2009-2010)
PRUSSIA ( estampas ,diseño de indumentaria y tejidos),
ALMA JEANS (molderia para la marca emergente de
INDARRA (molderia y muestras,
MOTORMAN diseño de línea de camperas para moto
Moldería y muestras de remeras y buzo, digitalización
De estampas y separacion de colores

Analisis de tendencia

Desarrollo de carta de color

Diseño y armado de colección

Desarrollo de mini colecciones

Armado de colección de accesorios

Servicios de diseño de molderia y muestras

Diseño de estampas unicas y estampas por metro



Grafikar exposición individual de pinturas \"Imágenes en
Transición\" (1999)

Espacio Creativo (La Plata) \"Artistas por la infancia\" expo
Sición y subasta a beneficio de la fundación PRO INFATIA
(Fundación Para La Promoción Del Bienestar Del Niño) 1998

CAAT (Centro Argentino de Arte Textil -2011) en el marco de
La muestra \"Apropiarte\"




I studied painting at the College of Fine Arts in La Plata and then I relocated to Buenos Aires where I finished my degree in textile design at the UBA. I am currently pursuing a Master of Critics and Broadcast Arts in Iuna.

Custom request

Fill in the following form to order a work for this artist. If you want some type of concrete work, you can include your budget and give as many details as possible.

Payment method
Free and easy returns

Free and easy returns

In the event that you change your mind or, simply, the artwork do not convince you after receiving your order, you have a return/change period of 14 days without additional costs, starting the day after the reception of the order.

To proceed with a change or a return, follow the steps below:

  • - Email us at so that our Customer Service department can contact you (Mon-Thurs, 10:00 – 14:00 and 16:00 – 18:00 / Fri, 10:00 – 14:00 Spain local time). Please, try to have on hand the order ID to facilitate and accelerate this process.
  • - The Courier will pick up the package on the place and date agreed, and once we receive the artwork, we will proceed with the refund of the paid amount.

Enjoy Artelista, enjoy art

Free shipping and return

Free and safe delivery

When you purchase art at Artelista, you have at your disposal thousands of artworks by artists from around the world, from up to 170 different countries, , and we don't want the delivery costs to be a problem when you want to enjoy the best art. The price shown at the artwork page is its final price, without surprises. Additionally, for your tranquility, the artwork is insured with the company Allianz Insurances during shipping, so we will handle everything if, unfortunately, the artwork is damaged before being delivered.

The estimated delivery time for Artelista fine art prints is 5-7 working days, whereas in the case of original artworks, it would vary depending on the origin country. Once the artist notifies us the artwork is ready for shipment, the delivery will be in the following 24-72 hours, These delivery times may be altered by custom clearance events, especially when the origin country of the artwork belongs to a different cross-national agreement (EU,NAFTA,etc.). here. Shipments from Argentina, Colombia or Cuba need of a special authorization for the exportation of artworks, so it is important to have this into account when calculating the delivery date.

Bear in mind we are dealing with works of art, so they may be in an exhibition (actually, this is awesome!). Those artworks which are in an exhibition are usually displayed as “non-available”. In case the artwork has been put up for sale, take into account the artist would have to manage with the organization of the exhibition the return of the artwork in order to be able to realize the shipment.

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Customer care

Customer care

We are dealing with works of art, a unique and exclusive product, and we want you to feel this way too, therefore, our main objective is to offer a personalized and close customer service. We are at your disposal at all times. If you have any concern, doubts about your order or for whatever reason you need you contact us

You can choose the way you contact us:

  • - Email us to
  • - Use the chat you have available at the website

Enjoy Artelista, enjoy art

Prints information

Currently is not possible to make prints shipments outside Spain. We're working to re-offer the service as soon as possible.

We apologise about the inconvenience